
True Love

Isn't this what life is all about? Sharing these little moments with the ones I love make it all worth it :) I love him so much I want to kiss his face off, at least that what I always tell him. Maybe that's why he's pulling all the faces. Love you Dawsy Doodle!

Also you may be wondering why I changed my blog to pink with sparkly diamonds. Well... that's because I can. I am the owner, author of this blog and I have not been outvoted by those male species that dominate my house and leave the seats on the toilet up and insist the channel be left on ESPN :)

Alright, alright, I'll update the blog!

I know, I know, stop with the nagging! I'm updating right now. Just so you know that was me talking to myself. I have been nagging myself to update this blog for sometime now, so I'm finally doing it!

For starters I should be posting something about my family and how great my great children are and how awesome my awesome husband is, BUT I'm not. I know weird huh, cause I could go on and on. I am posting something purely selfish because, well....because I want to.
Every year I have what I like to call a "super bowl for women" party aka: Miss America party. I try to invite my neighbors and anyone else that like to indulge in the Miss America pageant. Last year I was new in the neighborhood, so attendance was small which was to be expected. But this year I had a pretty good turn out.
Here's how it works just in case you want to have your own Miss America party. Everyone comes with a treat or snack to share. Wear your pj's or something comfy so you can eat a lot and not have to undo your pants. Third you bring 5 dollars (this is not gambling, even though my husband thinks it is) Then we put all the money in a big bowl and when the top 15 are announced we write all the names down and each person draws out a name. Luckily we had exactly 15 at the party, so that helps. Anywho, the person that you draw out is who you are for the rest of the night. It's all luck and has nothing to do with gambling (the bishops wife was there, so I'm pretty sure I would have been called in to his office by now if it was) sarcasm, some people don't get mine. We spend the rest of night picking (critiquing) on each other. Let's just say from the picture of me singing below...there was plenty to pick on. It was fun, fun, fun and if you want to join the fun, let me know and I'll put you on the calendar for next year ;) The winner takes home the whole slew of money!

Let's get this party started. Bishop's wife in striped chair just to prove that he was totally ok with us gambling, I mean "raffling" for the winner :)
The competition gets very intense...

Raquel came with her "Miss Nibley City" banner and crown. She was prepared to take it all.
Jocelyn builds with excitement as she realizes she might win
And the winner is....new comer Jocelyn!! better known as wife of Mike, mom of Mason and Mrs. Murdock to her kindergarten students.
Making the phone call to her husband as she fans her tears.

This was me during the talent portion of the competition. I thought I had a good shot, until... well, until this. Now you can see why I was picked on...I was an easy target. My doctor never has to use a tongue depressor.


Carving Pumpkins!

For family night tonight we carved pumpkins. Tycen and his "friend", Lauren joined us.

This is a pretty bad pictures of the pumpkins, but you get the idea.


All I can say is...."Wahoo!!!"

I'M GETTING GRASS!!!!!!!!!!!

Some really sexy guy came over to drive the tractor, so I thought I better take some pictures.

The view from our back porch. I love it, but it will be even better when there is green instead of dirt.
Bret tried to act like it was work, but what guy wouldn't want to play tonka trucks for real?


Red Neck waterslide!

For the past ten years I have served in one relief society presidency or another, with only a 6 month stint in young women's before we moved to Nibley. As soon as we got to Nibley I was called back into relief society. Well about three weeks ago I was called back into young womans and it has really been fun. For one of YW activities we went to this man made waterslide. We had so much fun and Bret and boys decided they needed to be one of the young women. I feel really bad I didn't get any pictures of Cade and Alec, I thought I did! I think it looks like a fun place to have a family reunion...

It doesn't look that steep but once you got to the top it was pretty scary.

Dawson's face says it all...he was pretty scared.

And...here is a picture of the bagel, it has been requested often. He is actually quite proud of it, he's says the girls think it's cute. I'm not quite sure I believe it, but we'll let him live in his fantasy world. :)


Judy Lange headstone

For those of you that are not able to visit or have not had the chance to visit Judy's/mom's grave I thought I'd post a pic for all to see. I thought it turned out very nice. Thanks Jill for get'ner done!