
Red Neck waterslide!

For the past ten years I have served in one relief society presidency or another, with only a 6 month stint in young women's before we moved to Nibley. As soon as we got to Nibley I was called back into relief society. Well about three weeks ago I was called back into young womans and it has really been fun. For one of YW activities we went to this man made waterslide. We had so much fun and Bret and boys decided they needed to be one of the young women. I feel really bad I didn't get any pictures of Cade and Alec, I thought I did! I think it looks like a fun place to have a family reunion...

It doesn't look that steep but once you got to the top it was pretty scary.

Dawson's face says it all...he was pretty scared. is a picture of the bagel, it has been requested often. He is actually quite proud of it, he's says the girls think it's cute. I'm not quite sure I believe it, but we'll let him live in his fantasy world. :)


michaelangelo said...

Great fun! Thomas and his friends tried their hand at making one on our property and it basically became one big muddy trench - (now a dry trench). This looks much better! Way to go Bagelmeister!!

Jill Stones said...

mmmmmm what to say about the bagel....not sure but if he has a bagel mine must be a innertube!!!! That picture of Bret and Dawson Bret looks naked so funny! I am so glad he is not my dad, I would be scared out of my mind too. It does look fun though, even though I know I would be the one to go flying off in the bushes!! Let's try it!!(ok maybe I will just watch:)

Jeff, Wendy, and Austin said...

It looks SWEET. I can imagine what will happen when all the "boys" in the family show up to get wet. Might be more than a slide...

Morgan said...

Oh it has been so long since I have seen Dawson, his head looks so little!

Tori said...

......we sure miss you in