
I hate to brag..................................But I will!

If any of you know my oldest two kids very well you know that they are complete opposites.

Alec-loves getting up early
Aaron-wants to sleep all day
Alec-loves sports of all kinds
Aaron-only likes sports if it involves a snowboard
Alec-loves to got to school and loves to learn
Aaron-gets nauseous when someone uses the word learn
Alec-is shy and is afraid to call someone on the phone
Aaron-talks to anyone and can't stop using his phone

Let's just say the two of them are very different, but despite that, they get along pretty well. So this year is Aaron's 9th grade year, the year that counts on his transcript. So needless to say we have up our efforts to get Aaron to care about school. Aaron will say things like, "mom, wouldn't you rather have an average son?" "C's are great", "grades are over-rated" We have gone the round with him! So after Christmas break we really laid down the law and told him he better start doing better or else!

Meanwhile, Alec, who loves learning, was posting a 4.0 and breezing through school with no help from us. It drives Aaron crazy that Alec does extra credit just to get a 127% in a class. The final straw came when Alec was chosen as Student of the month for February. Aaron just rolled his eyes and punched Alec in the arm as he walked by. (Bret tells me this is a boys way of showing love) I left Alec's certificate out on the counter so we could admire it for a while.

Anyway Aaron really has been trying and putting forth more effort. Not a 4.0 but he really is trying. So yesterday in the mail we get a letter from Aaron's school, addressed to the parents of Aaron Lange. Aaron had a pale face as he tried to hide the letter. Finally he ripped it open and just stared at it. He had been chosen as student of the month for his school. That's right, student of the month! We all about died! We all took turns looking at the certificate and shaking our heads, including him. The teacher was really impressed with how much he had improved. I never thought I would see it in my lifetime...Aaron and Alec finally have something in common! Student of the month! Ok, I'm done bragging.


Jenny said...

I can't believe he's in ninth grade. Man oh mighty I'm getting old. Congrats to the students of the month.

Also, I comment a lot, I'm bored a lot, hope it doesn't weird you out or anything.

michaelangelo said...

Congratulations, Mr. Student of the Month! (I guess that goes for Alec too!) No surprise to us, we know what terrific nephews and cousins we have in Logan. Keep up the fantastic work, it's worth it!

Jill Stones said...

I love it!! I thought you were going to say Aaron switched his face for Alecs, why I ever thought Aaron would ever do something like that? Good job Boys!! Your taking after your parents;)

JakeandMichelle said...

Ha Ha! That's all I have to say

Elizabeth Riding said...

Way to go, Aaron!!! That is impressive...not to mention the tremendous effort by mom and dad! Keep up the good work!

Jeff, Wendy, and Austin said...

Jill must be wrong when she mentioned taking after his parents. Ok maybe Alana. Ok maybe Bret if Aaron HAD switched photos! Just kidding. Way to go guys...we have a lot of smart guys in our family.

Morgan said...

Awesome! I just have to say that is closer than Jake and Seth ever got!

Sir William Lange the Indomitable said...

Great job dude!

Sir William Lange the Indomitable said...

Or rather dudes...

Lynja said...

Great job boys. I love to read your descriptions. It brings back memories:)

Hudson Family said...

Aaron!!! Way to Go!! that is definetly worth bragging about...!